Our participation in these organizations through individual memberships provides career development opportunities for our professional staff through presentations at conferences, publication of peer-reviewed papers in technical proceedings, and access to technical resources to address project-related needs. Our organizational memberships provide us with opportunities for improvement of our business operations through programs such as peer review, project and quality practices training, and strategic planning. Over the years we have reaped much from our association with these organizations, and this benefit is reflected in the improved quality of the engineering services that we provide to our clients. The following are professional organizations in which D’Appolonia participates through individual and organizational membership:

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

The International Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)

ASFE – The Geoprofessional Business Association

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)

Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers

National Ground Water Association (NGWA)

Vistage, International Organization of CEOs

Transportation Research Board (TRB)

United States Society on Dams (USSD)